Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Circles

Hello all!

So there have been some talks going around about a small class reunion for new year's eve or around that time, and I just wanted to get a feeling of who will/can be around Baltimore around that time! I know there is a good amount of you who are still in the Baltimore/ DC Area and we wanted to know how you felt about having a get together. I will be flying up to Maryland for a couple of weeks to spend time with my family and it'd be great if I could get to see some of you!

On those lines, there is a NEW poll, in an effort to get a feeling of what are people's plans for the holidays.

Also, some great news:

As most of you know, I 've been struggling to find freelance work down here (as most of us are). Thankfully, A few days ago I was able to make contact with the editors from Free Press Houston, a small, artsy alternative newspaper produced by young designers in the area. They really like my work and there's a good possibility I will be making work for them in the near future. I am very excited about this and I feel like this will be the opportunity I was needing to get my work out there. Hence, the happy circles...
(i just realized this works great as a pattern...hmmm)

Hope every one is doing well, and let us know if you're able and willing to get together!

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