Friday, May 15, 2009

Jon Boam

I love love love his work. This is his re-done cover of a Shazam comic for the Covered Blog, which you should also check out for Jimmy's cover currently up on there (Conan the Barbarian of course. And it looks AWESOME). Mark Grambau had his own re-do of a Spiderman cover on there recently too, so good job Mark and Jimmy!

But, back to Jon Boam: I'm thrilled by his work, and you should check him out and be thrilled too! While his flat coloring is fantastic, I love it when he mixes things up by using goofy rainbow scratchboard papers or scritchy scratchy pencil lines for a doggy sweater. So great!


bagel han said...


bagel han said...

also, i really want to do that covered blog thing. ... need a cover first... so hard to pick!

Andrea Kalfas said...

i'm doing one soon! i'll send you the guy's email so you can get in touch with him. it's just a matter of him seeing your work and OK-ing you.

Judith Uzcategui said...

this cover thing is a great idea. awesome little projects to keep us making work!!! thanks andrea!